When traveling to a new place, transportation within that new place must be taken into consideration. Nowadays, there are tons transportation methods: trains, airplanes, ships, taxis, buses and subways. All of these add a bit more convenience to our lives. China is now leading the way in creating modern trains. It's high-speed bullet train is known around the world, attracting global attention and foreign travelers. This article will demonstrate how to book a train ticket in China, step-by-step, as a foreigner. 1. Find and enter the official website You will see the homepage shown below. https://www.12306.cn 2. Register Click 注册 (zhùcè, Register) on the top right corner and register with your Passport. Process: Username→ Password → Reconfirm → Certificate Type→ Your Real Name → Passport Number → Date of Birth → Gender → Country/Region → Email → Phone Number → Passenger Type → Mark → Submit Explanation: Username: use 6 – 30 letters, numbers or _ and start with alphabet...
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